S.Bandensis Cuttlefish - Just released the kids into main tank

Just got back from Hawaii and everyone is fine...except that the male I segregated turned out to be a female. I just found a bunch of eggs in "his" tank. Very interesting.
Heres a video of my male cuttle rising from a completely buried position in the sand for those of you who have never seen this behavior. I'll see if I can get a shot of him burying his body next.

Update on my clutches- Looks like the first few clutches have been duds. I'm not really disappointed since I really dont have anyone to dump them off on. About the first 30 or so have broken down after 2 weeks or so. I still have another 20+ and I'm waiting to see what happens with them. The female has been holding off on laying for the past week or so. I assume shes just gearing up for the next batch...or maybe just hiding them better. :smile:

If I did have any hatch out I havent seen any as of yet, but my reef is fairly dense with corals and rock so they may be hard to detect. I'm going to just let the female lay where she likes and leave them to hatch out since she's been laying in areas that are really difficult for me to cut them loose. Theres plenty of little critters for babies to feed on and hunt down so we'll see where that takes us.
Heres some more pics...a little hand time with my female, male colors and feeding shots






You are getting nice use from that lens! Love the splayed arms taking the shrimp. How did you shoot the interaction shots? Am I looking at a siphon in the last one? It looks very different from an octopuse siphon but I can't think of anything else it would be.
The interaction shots were kind of difficult. I had to twist my arm at an angle (like a scarecrow) going into the tank and then shoot holding the camera with one hand. You are correct. The last shot is a siphon. Thought it looked interesting and havent seen any other close up pictures of them. :smile:
CaptFish;157699 said:
Man you really need to stop posting all these great pictures, you're really making me want cuttlefish.:mrgreen:

I was thinking I want to move on to octos next and see what all the fuss is about. :smile:

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