S.Bandensis Cuttlefish - Just released the kids into main tank

Well, looks like somebody is growing grapes in my reef. Lets see if we get some wine. :smile:

Mom and at least 17 eggs visible...

Now, if some will hatch and stay alive! If you can take a photo once a week (as I am trying to do with Kooah's eggs, when she lets me), it would be intresting to see if we can detect changes. Photos show so much more than what we see looking at the actual thing.
I'll be taking shots up until I have to go to hawaii for work. So that gives me a little over a week. Hopefully my gf wont crash the reef while im gone. :smile:
Great pictures. Hanging out with his hermit friend.
I also had one hold on to forceps for 20 seconds or so. When I lifted is just barely out of the water it squirted a jet of water about 4' which hit the ceiling.
You're like my east cost doppelganger! :smile:
Had the same think happen too and almost took out my metal halide. They are powerful little jetters.

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