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bandensis courting video (thrid edit: BABIES EATING GUPPIES)

Quick update:
Babies doing great!
Momma not doing well. She is not catching food well and seems lethargic.
I did pick up two new cuttles today. They are small - mantle length like 3 cm.
Mom wasting away I guess... Well looks like the babies will have no problem, any increase in size?

Btw, you got the females and males by chance right? When introduced to each other, did any of the cuttles charge at the other immediately?
Hey Joel,

I'm not sure I understand your question. The cuttles are all kept seperately - the only ones that have been introduced are two we know to be male now and one female.
sorry, let me rephrase that, you bought many cuttles and by chance got a male and a female right? Did any of your cuttles charge at another when the latter was first introduced? I ws just wondering, maybe i could get another shot at breeding these guys.
joel_ang said:
sorry, let me rephrase that, you bought many cuttles and by chance got a male and a female right? Did any of your cuttles charge at another when the latter was first introduced? I ws just wondering, maybe i could get another shot at breeding these guys.

Yes that happened. The male, or the dominant male if they were both males, charged on sight.
Sad and Glad update.

Lost two of the babies today. Three of the 4 were still small, so I separated them from the big one. It was two of the small ones that died, and I am worried about the 3rd because it is also small. All of the other eggs were infertile. I am wondering if any of mine that were laid were actually 'healthy'.

The female that laid all those eggs died today.

All 5 of the other adults are doing well and eating nicely.

While in an LFS on Saturday, the owner mentioned that a wholesaler was trying to sell a bunch of cuttle eggs and that he had seen one hatch on Friday. He told me they were in a tank and would just sit there over the weekend. He sent someone over there to pick them up for me. 8 big eggs - different from mine (but mine could have all been runt eggs), and the babies, 5 at last count, are much bigger than the ones I hatched. I have been told that these were collected from the Philippines, while the other ones come from maybe Bali. So, I may now have two species. Oy!
Sorry to hearabout the babies, I hope the new eggs don't belong to the large species like Pharaonis, just imagine if they turn out to be metasepia tullbergi :smile:

That would be fantastic.

Here is one of the new eggs (I have 19 babies now):


Don't know what the species, but they feel like bandensis! Here are some pics.



BTW, I do think the adults are bandensis, but bandensis get bigger than 5 cm.
How big are the babies now? I don't "feel" that these are bandensis, after about 16 of these guys, (there were many I was keeping along with the few I did tell you about) I've only seen one at one time with a butt that pointy. Maybe its that unidentified look alike?

I'm sooooooo jealous of your babies :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I love how the cuttle in the first pic looks up at you.

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