• Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

WC bandensis eggs!

In an effort to wean my cuttles off expensive live food (hubby... "you're spending $35 a week on cuttlefish food!?!"). I offered Scrunchy a defrosted frozen mysid. She grabbed it, tasted it and spit it out in disgust. Will try again next week.
I used to only feed 15 cuttles live marin shrimp....

I dont even want to think of how much $$$ that was!!!

If you wean your guys onto frozen...Id be interested in how you do it...
I have really tried to, but it be nice to have the option to not always use live foods.
I've done it with Sepia officinalis, so I am hoping that I will be successful with S. bandensis... I was actually encouraged that Scrunchy grabbed the frozen mysid, that is usually the hardest part... I am going to keep offering when she is hungry before offering live food. Maybe someday I will convince her it is not sooo bad tasting. I used Scrunchy as my "guinea pig" because she eats the mysid within a minute of me putting it in the breeder tank with her. The other two are more shy and cautious about letting me watch them eat.
Illithid said:
I found this about culturing mysids -supposedly inexpensively.


Culture Area:

Using a rearing area with 80 - 100 square feet of floor space, establish three 30 gallon aquariums and ten 10 gallon tanks with synthetic seawater (at a salinity of 21 to 22 ppt) and air-driven biological filters. It helps to pre-establish the bacteria in the filters by running them in the sump of another marine system for three to four weeks prior to this time. An Artemia system capable of hatching from 8 to 10 grams of cysts (dry weight) per day is also required.
I'm so excited! Scrunchy ate a frozen mysid! Actually, two... I offered her a frozen one with the eyes still attached this morning. She grabbed it and started munching right away. Then about a minute later, she grabbed the second one. The other two cuttles still push the frozen mysids away in disgust... As my daughter says, Scrunchy will eat anything... She is always hungry.
I think they're getting bigger... hard to tell, still need really good eyesight to see any features, like tentacles, eyes...

Today I gave Scrunchy a frozen mysid, which she took readily. About five minutes later, I added a live mysid to her tank. She spit out the frozen one in disgust and grabbed the live one. Guess she knows what she wants.
Scrunchy is alone. Cuddly and Baby A are together. I have four net breeders, but I have two filled with mysids because I had to separate the mysids because they were eating each other, even though I was offering live brine and some liquid plankton. Baby A is much shyer than Cuddly and won't eat in front of me...

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