• Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

Octopus Availability

I don't know if this is a reputable company or not, I saw that they had cuttlefish in the cuttlefish availability forum and i checked and they also have several octopus species. It's Quality Marine. They have 'Red Octopus', 'Asian Octopus', 'West Coast', and 'East Coast'. jsut letting y'all know!
I guess an older octopus would be easier to feed (no trying to get hermits out of their shell or any of that nonsense) and better for my first octo, even if it does only last a month.
So your mom has caved in to a meat eating animal? cool!

Any octo from any vendor is a crap shoot and something you have to expect with a naturally short lived animal. I have been fortunate to have had a few collected for me so they have not been out of their natural environment long but I lost the last two collected this way in spite of this advantage, a well cycled tank and considerable hobbyest experience. Most frustratingly, I don't know why (particularly with the second of the pair). The sort of upside is that when tank born hatchlings survive the first two months, they live a natural lifespan, giving a good indication that aquarium life is acceptable.

So far so good with Espy. I have ordered some tiny live food that will be here tomorrow and have been stocking his tank with extra pods. His color remains good and he is active without sensless wandering.
my mom isnt the vegetarian, its me :smile: im lucky that my LFS has mysis and pods and fiddlers, but i ordered some common shore shrimp just to have in the tank. if the shrimp ge there tommorw im ordering my octo from LA tommorow
ieatfalalfel;180819 said:
my mom isnt the vegetarian, its me :smile: im lucky that my LFS has mysis and pods and fiddlers, but i ordered some common shore shrimp just to have in the tank. if the shrimp ge there tommorw im ordering my octo from LA tommorow
My LFS carries Ghost shrimp only. If I drive an hour to another LFS, I can Fiddlers, but I would have stock up with like 30 of them because it's to far. xD

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