'Legs' - O. briareus

Oh no, this must be heartbreaking to watch. I feel your pain. I had to put down several cats, one was just a kitten, I think I'll die when my lab's time comes, he is my baby boy. This will be a difficult decision with Leggs but when the time comes you will know it. I am so sorry : (
So sorry, I know that would be terrible to watch.

I guess I was fortunate that Ollie seemed to have something like a heart attack, and died within 30 minutes. Still, it was very hard to watch her, knowing I could do nothing.

I got my formalin in the mail today. The bottle says it is a 37% formaldehyde solution. The directions say that it is used to dip fish, and treatment for fungi, parasites, and flukes.
:hmm: She just retreated into the live rocks, not in her old den but a new one. Not sure if that is good or bad. I tried to give her some chopped up fresh fish today but she blew it way.

I just keep looking to see if she is still breathing.
:birthday: LEGS!!!

She is doing better today. I thought Last night was the end for sure she was lying upsidedown on the sand for about an hour, and her breathing seemed labored. Now she is back on the glass in the center. and breathing better.
what will most likely be Legs last video. I shot it today when my thought to be broken camera started working again

pics of the eggs or at least what I think are eggs



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