'Legs' - O. briareus

She has done amazingly well as she goes through senescence. I have to think her environment has a lot to do with it.

I think the "eggs" are a macro algae that I have tried once to bring home and grow but I can't be sure.
OK update: she is still kicking! there have been a few instances where i thought she was dead only to poke her and have her spring back up and cruise around the tank. Right now and for the past 48 hrs she has been sitting on the sand in the front corner of the tank just sleeping. every now and then an uneaten shrimp bumps into her which makes her move around and pushy the shrimp away. I have no idea how much longer she is going to make it from the way things are going it could be in an hour or it could be next month. It has been almost two weeks since she was in her den and acting normal.
So i was poking around TONMO like I usually do and I came across this picture this is exactly what Legs looked like when I found her.

This photo was taken by Colin
I am really sorry for your octo. I remember always crying for my pets when i was 12, could never handle death. At least your legs has had a happy year of life.
April 15, 2009 - April 23, 2010


She died very peacefully this morning around 8 AM. Her breathing slowed until it had stopped, them I waited a few minutes to be sure. At that point she was unresponsive and Limp.
She was a terrific animal and a leaning experience for everyone who followed her journal.

I think I mentioned that positioning them and keeping the position was very difficult, if doable at all. It is amazing how hard they are to handle when they die and the larger they are, the more they seem to slide through your fingers. I really brings home their ability to slide through the smallest of places.

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