'Legs' - O. briareus

shoot sorry to hear that capt,but u did give her the best life..... thank you you for all the info you have provided us
rip legs
Sorry to hear it, Cap'n. I've been feeling for you as the end has been nearing. :angelpus:
Sorry, Cap't, and RIP, Legs. She was a beautiful animal and I loved following her journal. Will you go looking for another where you found her last year? I'm also feeling a loss, as Lerxst has passed on, too.
Yup, I have traps there now. 6 of them all right where Legs as found. The traps sit on the sandy bottom at the edge of a grass patch in about 6 feet of water

The dots are the traps I have set, the yellow is the one that caught Legs. There are 6 out there now.

GOOD LUCK!!! Very impressive set up and I love the photo! Of course, if you are lucky enough to trap more than one I know where there is an empty tank in MI...
With the effects of the cold water this year on shallow reefs, it will be intresting to know how your crab catch as well as your octo search come out. Crabs (mithrax explicitly) were reported to have died off and recovered quickly. I don't have any faith in that report though as the recovery time was far too rapid to have been repopulation. It is more likely they dug in and then reemerged or went to deeper waters and then returned.
The stone crabs haven't recovered yet this season. I pulled all my traps, except the six octo traps, along time ago. It costs about $3 a trap, with bait, zinc, and fuel, so unless you are getting good numbers its not worth it. I went 3 sets with hardly catching anything.We had hoped they just buried themselves and they would come back out after it warmed up but this didn't seem to be the case.
She is still soaking in the formalin, I need to find a big jar to fit her in. right now she is just in a one gallon ziplock. I think I am just going to have to buy a huge jar of pickles and just throw out the pickles (I hate Pickles they are a vile creation)

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