A Rambling Cephalopod Narrative:

Suddenly, a large hairy man wearing a T-shirt and tacky shorts appeared and said, "Hey, stop the LOTR cliches, or i'll sue you for every cent you have!"
Dan's reaction was beyond belief....he simply stood there, jaw slack and drooling.. the sea gull band had his mind in a twist. The large hairy man approached him, grabbed him roughly, putting Dan in the most dasterly position one can ever experience...the dreaded high school wrestling team head lock accompanied by the infamous noogie. Hairy knuckles rasping over and over Dan heads of hair...what little he had was about to fall out. It was Stephen who interviened, with his fine kid gloves (which nicely matched his ensemble) he smacked the furry fellow twice across his face. THWAP THWAP!!! And defiantly bellowed out "Dan ate beans you fool....the friction you cause could blow us all to hell and back!!"
Little did Master O know that one of his devious yet crafty underlings had turned all the smoke detectors back on and set them on ultrasensitive...

...and not only the smoke detectors, but the guided missiles headed this very moment for the lit cigarette, as they were heat guided...and their thermal sensors picked up the glowing ember from miles away, where a mysterious trawler lurked in the mist...
Eric's mom was amused,' See? I told you I can't leave you wackos with my son for 5 minutes! Now what are you going to do?' Eric was running around trying to find some water to put out the embers from Dr.SOS's cigeratte although they were in the middle of the sea. Eric's mentor was also amused by how Dr.SOS appeared on the deck in an instant like teleporting in the Harry Blockhead books.
As Dr O'Shea materialised on deck, a passing 1890 dated motorlaunch drifted past, oblivious to the drama unfolding beneath.

The motor launch was captained by: Capt. Algenon Renfrew-Ahab. Also present were:
Bosun Michael 'The Stoat' Boxleitner ('Give me a tall ship and I'll ramble on for money')
Petty Officer William de Villiers III ('Put that pipe out you idiot'.)
Flugleutnant Horst von Stein zu Gotterdamerung ('Wir fahren gegen Engeland')
Chief Engineer Grofax the Unwashed ('I am unwashed, but I'm an engineer')
Herpetologist Steve 'The Monkey' Shatner ('Crikey! What am I doing here?')

And the passengers:

Lord Augustus Brittanicus Rawlinson of the Raj. ('Zulu's, thousands of them')
Lady Penelope Estelle ('Hello')
Bishop Eusebius the Apostate, Bold Pontiff of the Diocese of the West Saxons. ('Eggs!')
Chips, the Bishop's pet pangolin.

The launch sailed past the scene into the distance, none of these characters interacting in any manner with the drama unfolding, and will take no further role in this story.

... now back to the rather thin plot

*bli ... b .... bl .... b ..... blip ..... ...... p ..... bl ... *
It neared midnight, but even then Larten had to extinguish the desklamp - the blip on his screen was simply too faint. He peered into it, eyes bloodshot, too much coffee, not enough sleep. There it was, then it was gone. The signal was weak. He was worried.

He'd been tracking the foraging behavior of this bird for three years; in fact, based on his tracking success with this bird he had just secured grant monies to purchase and deploy additional tags. These things were nearly $10,000 a pop!

Last night it had travelled nearly 800 miles, but that was pretty normal - it did this often, in fact averaged it everytime it foraged. No, that wasn't unusual he thought. But what he couldn't figure out is why the bird hadn't returned; its nest of three chicks awaited it and the regurgitated stomach, a mass of partially digested squid.

So, the band was failing, the signal weakening, and the bird still. Could it be that the bird was dead? Selfishly he thought about himself, the setback to his research that the loss of this animal represented. He fought and fumbled with the silly little nipple-thing on the laptop, trying to close it down, cursing the inventor of this most stupid creation.

"What raving lunatic invented this sodawful piece of crap; what on Earth was wrong with a Mouse!!!"

Nobody was there to hear - not at midnight; everyone had gone. Disgusted, he flicked the switch instead, and with a crack and 'plonk' the computer shut down. The room was dark.

Just before he fell asleep, there and then, the thought of a nest of starving chicks crossed his mind.
He closed his eyes.......and as he fell into a dark abyss of sleep, Larten dreamed. He dreamt of ships and sails and puppy dog tails,
of tentacles and barley porridge....drifting along his minds corridor trail...deep into his brain pans storage. He found there what he needed to do.
Jarred by the startling vision he snapped awake...he knew what must be done. He crawled off his bunk, and staggered to his desk....there on a shelf was an empty Jack Daniels bottle. With his vision sobering him he quickly scribbled a notation on the back of a ragged map..stuffed it into the bottle and corked it. This message had to reach it's destination, he needed help to save the desparate chicks. Reaching topside he thrust the bottle as far as he could into the vast open sea...it landed in the distant rolling waves, and he watched for several minutes as it bobbed in the churning waters....drifting away out of sight. Not a religious man, he found himself praying, praying it would reach the one it was ment for in time. Larten scratched an itch, yawned and went back down into his darkened cabin.
The bottle drifted, carried by the currents through a silver lit sea until it was stopped by an eyepatched, bandana wearing, cutlass waving figment of a deranged imagination

"Arrrrrrrrr me hearties wot 'ave we 'ear then?" :arr: ....................

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