Squid and Octopus spotting

A rather obscure octopus

Another quite ancient sighting - New Scientist, 27th November 2004, p. 56, an onscure reference to New Year's resolutions...KRin


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I saw the most amazing squid featuring commercial yesterday. I was watching music videos on the net through Yahoo!'s Launch site. They've be advertising pretty heavily for Yahoo! Music Unlimited (pay for songs) which they feature cool little pixelated cartoons of artists in a dance sequence in various settings. Well this on was new to me. It was Pharrel, on the back of a yacht singing some song with back up dancers. Suddenly a giant squid comes up out of the water and empties the boat into its mouth (complete with human like teeth and tongue i think). The music keeps going, the squid thinks for a second, and then spits Pharrel back out on to the boat and he keeps rapping. Then the squid puts up four arms behind the boat as back-up dancers. Then the squid dances. Hilarious! Loved it!

bigGdelta said:
Just saw an AIG commercial featuring a giant squid

Wowie, I was just about to post that! Caught it on TV yesterday -- well, the last part, anyway. One of two lab-coated guys says, "If we don't [do something or other that I can't remember], then Bob here will eat a squid." Cut to Bob -- mauled by a giant tentacle (arm?) lashing out of a tank -- yelling, "You said calamari!". Other guy responds, "Well, it is calamari...."

Good un'.... :mrgreen:

~ Tan Ninja ~
Me too, that's really unusual. When put together like that those tiles look really attractive. Excellent ammonite!

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