I'll post more captures from Te Papa's feed when I can grab them (and when fun stuff is happening). Here's a cap from last night. The Colossal Squidcicle has just been lowered into the defrosting tank and the crew is removing the plastic tarp that the crew of the San Aspiring wrapped around the squid. The green stuff on top of the block is a cargo net used to land the squid. In frame, clockwise from lower left are Tsunemi Kubodera, Kat Bolstad and Rick Webber, invertebrate curator at Te Papa. Rick is sluicing brine onto the squid to unstick the tarp.

I like the new arrangement of the four camera link. We can see all of them at once. Nothing happening now, but it's still early on Tuesday morning in NZ. I guessed that you were monitoring our posts. Thanks for your responsiveness, it's great to be able to hear what's going on.
Camera 4 is kaput. Hope all is well, this is far too interesting to miss.
Sorry, scratch that. It's fine, it must have been the connection. Apologies.

Looks like they are starting to pull some of the net off the colossal squid - its pretty amazing to be watching this live on the other side of the world. No sound at the moment though. Plenty of action and someone keeps waving a sign at the camera which might say FM Rocket....but I'm not sure!
How neat! So fun to see the squid and all the commotion... Hey - are they filming for TV right now? Looks like a TV crew is there! Maybe a special for the Discovery Channel?! (Don't see any network identification on the crew or equipment making me think it's not the local news...)
One thing I thought was really good was seeing people next to the big giant squid on the table - got a real good feel for the scale of it, especially as it was live with people moving around. That's a damn big squid - can't wait to see the big colossal one laid out on the table....
It's the Discovery channel along with a Kiwi television station. It's on Tonmo somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. Steve is wired for sound, but apparently the web cast people haven't turned their sound back on after turning it off last night. Yep, it's a big squid. The block weighs 490 Kilograms. How much of that is squid and how much is ice, I don't know, but it's one big squidcicle!
you're not going to see discovery channel stickers on the cameras. most shows are filmed by freelance crews, i learned that when i got taped for a learning channel show last summer. But they have been taping for discovery since sat (our time). It was pretty funny watching them take dozens to step up shots of the freezer opening and closing.

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