Kalypso (O.briareus)

it sounds like the "unfortunate mishap" explanation fits best, so hopefully Kalypso will be fine, if slightly disarmed...
Cleaning the tank today.. another adventure with Kalypso.

Alayna changed some settings on the camera while she was gone to San Fran, so I didn't realize the video was going to come out all compact and blurry.
Kalypso just went on a cruise around the dining room floor.

I had reached in and grabbed a toadstool and ran it back to the prop tank. When I came back into the dining room Kalypso was on the tile floor beside the tank making his way around to the back of the tank. And I must say he was making pretty good time regardless of gravity! Cleo our "Chug" (Chihuahua/Pug) was hovering about uncertain of what to do with the thing. Lucky he didn't end up a chew toy!

Trying to get him back in the tank was crazy. He ended up in a dogfood bowl and I dumped him back in the tank. He inked several times while I was trying to explain to him that he needed to be back in the tank. Time for a big water change.
hee. I like the stories of "adventures" when they end happily.
The speed on the floor (and up a wall) amazed me with Octane. It was strange though, the day I left the top open I found him right in the middle of the floor. The other two escapes, while I was working on the tank, were a mad scramble under things and up a wall. It was almost like he realized too late that I was not there to return him to the water and wanted to be seen. Unfortunately, I was too late returning to the room and the exposure did too much damage at his age for him to recover. I still have a sad mental picture of him spread out waiting for me to return him to the tank.:cry:
He remained in the back of the tank behind everything for the rest of the day. I could see him through the underside of the tank, arms all curled and unhappy looking. Threw in some fresh shrimp after lights out and he was back to acting normal.
OhToo does not like Bailey and sometimes inks when she comes over to demand attention while I am "distracted" by the fish tank. Bailey has tried, on numerous occassions, to block me from going over to the tanks to feed the octopuses. I am obviously doing something wrong!
No dogs (yet) at this house but it seems to me that both cats and octos know just how to nap in the sun! Also, both octos I've had watch the cats as much as the cats watch them. On occasion, one of the cats can't help themselves and jump into the glass. With both octos, this seems to have increased their interest in the cats- as if to see if they could get the cats going. We always joke that both sides of the glass is sure they could eat the other if they could just get at it...
I put a green chromis in with Kalypso this morning, and to my amazement it's still swimming around. Occasionally Kalypso approaches it and reaches for it, but doesn't put much effort into capturing it. The chromis is about 1.5 inches long.

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