Let's play... 6 degrees to a ceph!

I had George Clooney doing a guest voice as Stan's dog Sparky.

  • Dan Marino - Ace Ventura Pet Detective - Jim Carrey
    Carrey - Bruce Almighty - Morgan Freeman
    Freeman - Se7en - Brad Pitt
    Pitt - Sinbad.

Paris Hilton.
Timothy Balme - Via Satellite - Andrew McCarten
Andrew McCarten in Weekend At Bernies II
Elaine complained about watching it on an episode of Seinfeld
Then octopus nostrils.
Paris Hilton wears lots of pink and goes everywhere with a little chihuaha like Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde.
Reese Witherspoon - Little Nicky - Adam Sandler.
Sandler - Anger Management - Jack Nicholson
Nicholson - About Schmidt with the hot tub scene titled "Squid Attack.".

Did we do Kevin Bacon?

And Rosanna Arquette.
rosanna arquette with dennis hopper in true romance
hopper with nicholson and peter fonda in Easy Rider
Jack is above, Fonda was in Tentacles

how about bob hoskins?
WhiteKiboko said:
how about bob hoskins?

Bob Hoskins starred in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" with Christopher Lloyd
Christopher Lloyd appeared in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson starred in "The Shining" with Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall starred in "Popeye"

Jim Nabors?
vincent d'onofrio was called "private pyle" in full metal jacket, an obvious reference to jim nabors
d'onofrio in MIB

based on a gift i gave my mom, i came across one, probably easier for the older folks :smile:

Tim(othy) Hutton
Timothy Hutton in The General's Daughter with John Travolta
Travolta in Pulp Fiction with Bruce Willis
Willis in Die Hard with :heart: ALAN :heart:
:heart: ALAN :heart: in Galaxy Quest

Frank Stallone Neil

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