Paula The Octopus Predicts Super Bowl Winner - WCTV


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005

Paula The Octopus Predicts Super Bowl Winner
[SIZE=-1]Paula the Octopus seems to think the Giants will win. "If Paula predicts the giants and the Giants win, all I can say is it's an incredible question of how that happened. Is it just chance?" said Jack Rudloe, President of the lab.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]'Paula the Octopus' picks Giants to win Super Bowl[SIZE=-1]Tallahassee Democrat (blog)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Panacea octopus, Paula, is a NY Giants fan[SIZE=-1]WTXL ABC 27[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]For an Octopus, Football is Cool; Politics Can Be Toxic[SIZE=-1]Sunshine State News (blog)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 8 news articles »[/SIZE]


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