[Non-Ceph?] Looking for Fossils on Mars | Page 3

[Non-Ceph?] Looking for Fossils on Mars

Thanks very much for all the speculation there Spartacus. Your line of site theory would certainly explain the lack of shadow associated with the teuthid.

Seriously, for once, this image is of Mimas , a small moon orbiting Saturn. Yes, I know it resembles the Death Star, but I have not altered the image in any manner. How on earth could a small body like that absorb such a colossal impact without breaking up, I wonder? The moon is slightly less than 400km in diameter.

Phil, you're welcome , I'm glad my interest in astronomy has helped with your own erudite view on a complex topic spanning multiple disciplines :grad:

Mimas is amazing :shock: I can't remember having read any theories on how it stayed intact but I'll scour my databanks for any info. I'm a fanatical collector of any new images that in my opinion make the grade.
Hubble is obviously the best source & SOHO if you like stars in close-up.

FYI, if you're not aware, Cassini-Huygens is fast approaching Saturn & transmitting some fabulous images :madsci:
Phil, it appears Mimas was just lucky:

"Mimas is one of the innermost moons of Saturn. Mimas was a Titan who was slain by Hercules. William Herschel discovered the moon in 1789. The surface is icy and heavily cratered. Mimas has a low density, (1170 kg/m3)meaning it probably consists mostly of ice.
The crater named Herschel is surprisingly large in comparison to the size of the moon. The crater is 80 miles wide, one-third the diameter of Mimas. Herschel is 6 miles deep, with a central mountain almost as high as Mount Everest on Earth. This central peak rises 4 miles above the crater floor. This impact probably came close to disintegrating the moon. Traces of fracture marks can be seen on the opposite side of Mimas." :grad:

attached is piccy of Mimas back side ! :oops:
apparently cracks are evident showing Mimas nearly copped it but we all know what is really going on eh Jean !
spartacus said:
Traces of fracture marks can be seen on the opposite side of Mimas." :grad:

apparently cracks are evident showing Mimas nearly copped it but we all know what is really going on eh Jean !

Absolutely those cracks are the tracks where the GMSS squidlets left the nesting area to return to Mars to mature!

Class act Phil :roflmao:
I realise now that you are as poor as a church mouse but if you're interested I do have a mint, 150 piece, Star Wars jigsaw up for grabs which should be right up your street if you're a fan. Comes with a lock of genuine Chewbacca fur too :yuck:
LOL, I pulled up this through new posts and could not figure out why all the pictures were missing (but was glad to see some old faces that have not been on for a bit). Things finally got fishy enough for me (should have realize when I saw the word Rover) to look at the dates :roll:

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