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Macro algae help nitrates?

im in west palm florida so northeastern is pretty far away. im in my second half of 12th and only have 4 courses till im done so its coming mom wants me to go there because she went there with my dad and they have a really good marine biology and zoology program and the aquarium is near the school so she thinks it will be good for me. i want to do marine biology and other stuff in that area and business so i can open up an aquarium. FAU has a good program i believe and thats only 20 minutes away from me. the only other school with a program for what i want is university of miami but we visited it for my sister a few years ago and i didn't really like it. my dad says no to PBCC because he thinks i deserve a better school and they dont have much for what i want.
Is there a possibility that you might attend FAU for a year and then transfer to Northeastern? If you could be sure all your credits would transfer, that might be an option. Since you are hesitant to go so far away, and you could probably live at home if you went to Fau, that would give you another year to grow up a little before you went away to school, and that's probably a good thing. A lot of kids would be better off if they didn't leave home right away. Since you are feeling unsure about it, I'd say that it's a good indication that you aren't really ready to go off quite yet. Are you 16, 17, or 18?
haven't visited the school.. im 17. it's not that i need to grow up because im pretty mature with most situations and in general. its just that i don't want to leave everything behind ( my dog,fishtank,family,friends,etc..) just to go away to a school. at pbcc you can go 2 years then its a definite transfer to a university, i wanted to do my business courses and pbcc then when i transfer, do the marine stuff. ( its only definite if you get good greats and stuff)
Do you have a good school counseling program at your high school? You might want to talk to someone at the school and get some recommendations there. Who knows, you might get an unexpected ally. It wouldn't hurt to go visit the school, however. You might really love it, and that would make the prospect of being away from home a little less daunting. I really relate to having to leave your husky, however. They are the world's greatest dogs. Would your parents have the time and inclination to give him/her the exercise needed, and are they also willing and able to adequately care for your tanks?
yeah, he would be fine with them, and he also has a german shepard sister that he plays with but i just don't wanna think that i have to leave him. i would probably have to sell the fish tank because my parents aren't educated enough to handle it for a long period of time and i would hate to sell it. i just hope i can do better on my SAT's the second time around and get into FAU so i can stay home and be with everyone. ( im a family/friend type of person) if that makes sense

i bought 2x Koralia 1's for my 75g and i also have a rio1400 PH in there but i want to replace that with 2 more Koralia 1's. will 4x # 1's be enough flow for a FO tank? the lady at the fish store said the two i bought will be enough flow but im not so sure..
I would have gone with 2 Koralia #3's or at least 1 #4. The #1's are better fit for a much smaller tank. We have 2 #3's in our seahorse tank and I'm thinking of adding another.
ohhh. what if soon in the future i add another 2x #1's? she said that the 2 would be plenty but i guess it was just her opinion... so then i would have 4x # 1's or i can add 2x # 2's? what do you think would be better to add.. the #3's are like 60 dollars and the #4's i think are 80 where i go so getting more of the #1's would be better, they go for 40$ each..

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