Cephalopod Videos


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Our new Video feature is live. You can find it on our site navigation, or simply click here:


You can upload your own home videos (up to 200 megs) or you can import directly from YouTube using the "browser" feature, which you'll find on the left menu. You can search for YouTube videos using the Search feature on the left, then click the button to add it to our library.

All videos must be cephalopod related, and are subject to our terms of service.

Thanks and enjoy!
Having fun with the new feature I see :tomato:

There have been so many reports of squid and octos grabbing or attacking camers or masks that it suggest something to do with reflection of light, possibly in a spectrum we don't notice.
Needed to seed it with some content... expect a lot more!

Definitely looking forwarding to seeing some contributions from home tank owners.
Hey Tony -

I have been trying to upload a 10.8 meg vid since about 9 am my time this morning, and its apparently still loading. Any ideas if it is bonking or does it just take that long?

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