6800kg of squid lands in broccoli field - Herald Sun


Robotic Staff
Staff member
Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005
HA HA! At first I thought the headline read, "6800kg squid lands in broccoli field"!

At first, I thought, Man, that's on HELLUVA large squid!

Second thought was, Wait a second, I've heard of weird things falling out of the sky before, such as frogs and fish, but never a ginormous squid!

Third thought was, It must be a link to The Weekly World News orThe Onion.

And all this confusion because of a seemingly-insignificant two-letter word, "of."

Let this be an object lesson to all you who would scoff at grammar fanatics such as I.
Multiply this recipe by 15,000 and you could feed a crowd...

1 lb squid (calamari), cleaned
1 lb broccoli crowns
1/2 head endive (tops and center)
3-4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 shallot, minced (optional)
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (more if needed)
1/2 cup black olives, sliced or chopped
1/4 teaspoon each basil and oregano
salt and pepper, to taste (or Morton's Hot Salt)
a few drops balsamic vinegar
1 packet True Lemon or 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
Romano cheese (for sprinkling)

Prepare squid by washing well, removing center tubes. Leave tops whole (the purple part) and slice the white portion into rings. (Or purchase pre-cleaned squid at the fish market).
In a skillet, saute squid over high heat for 5 minutes in olive oil. Add garlic (and shallot if using), broccoli crowns and red pepper flakes. Stir in basil and oregano. Add additional olive oil to coat all if required. Saute 5 minutes over medium heat and then reduce heat and cover for 5 more minutes. Broccoli should remain a bright green, with tinges of browning, but should never become an olive green (if it becomes olive green then the broccoli has been overcooked).

Chop black olives if you're using oil cured olives, or if you have ripe canned and pitted olives, slice into rings and add to pan. Add washed endive tops and the center (heart) of the head. Leave the heavy bottom stalks of the endive for soup.

Add balsamic vinegar, True Lemon or lemon juice (if using). Saute 2-3 minutes more or until broccoli can be pierced with a fork (try one - it should still have a very slight crunch to it) and the endive is just wilted.

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