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Wonderpus - Fontanelle

monty;92034 said:
:welcome: back Fontanelle.

Does Fontanelle have the ability to change his arms' cross-section from near-circular to very elongated? It seems like some pictures show skinny, cylindrical arms, but others show wide, flat ones...

I'm particularly curious if the muscle arrangement or ennervation in wunderpus arms is different than in most octopus species... (I've got some diagrams by William Kier around somewhere...

I haven't noticed the arms actually changing, rather is seems the deployment of the webbing that can make the arms look very elongated. However, I will try to pay attention and get back to you!

I also noticed you refer to Fontanelle as "him," but I don't see evidence of the much shorter hectocotylized arm in referred to in the new species paper(pdf). Am I just missing it, or do you think it's an immature male, or did you just decide he's a he since it's hard to sex octos?

The 3rd right arm is pretty short, heres a pic! :biggrin2:
I'm interested in whether you're using Photoshop or other software to modify the background colors, or you have the tank against a redish wall, which shows up sometimes.

Thanks for the Birthday Steve!
I have used PS slightly on some of the shots (ends up mostly for a little sharpening or contrast - minimal color alteration if any), the wall behind the tank is very very red. Sometimes there is algae on that back wall of the tank as well, but sometimes there isn't.
Here is a shot of him swimming.

Not much new to report. His life goes on as before. Swimming, eating resting. He seems totally uninterested in any food that isn't shrimp, he is totally uninterested in any toys (but I am going to try again soon), no more digging...I dunno! :biggrin2:
Once in a while he sleeps in the open, but it never was all that often.

I am trying to get the pouncing on video, but he isn't cooperating!
i just got a zebra 3 days ago. he seems to be fine mine like to hide in the dark small places and digs under the rock and sleeps there he has been eating fine but rarely comes out,
Sure Art, bring you lenses! BTW, those were taken with your old camera! The weekend after next would be a great time, as my family is leaving me alone for a few days!

Tank balla - any update?

Fontanelle is still plugging away. Eating, sleeping and moving around. Been sick and bad back so I haven't been taking too many pictures, but I 'll try to post something soon.
He seems to be doing just fine.

He may have eaten the local crab. I found a carapace, but I didn't actually see him eat it.
I caught him displaying on the front glass and thought it was interesting enough to share.


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