• Looking to buy a cephalopod? Check out Tomh's Cephs Forum, and this post in particular shares important info about our policies as it relates to responsible ceph-keeping.

wanted: nautilus

Probably not going to get many replies, as there is little to no support of keeping a Nautilus in captivity amongst TONMO members. try searching the site for past threads..will explain why.
Well, there is a fair bit of nautilus expertise around, but yes, in general we discourage nautilus keeping because they have requirements that are hard to meet in a home aquarium, and they may be in danger of being overfished for their shells, so we don't think it would be good to create a pet trade for them that would further impact wild populations. Still, it's not a faux-pas to ask.

I'm moving this thread to "Exotics" which is also the place to watch for availability of nautilus.

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