Squid rescue on Delray Beach - Sun-Sentinel


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005

Squid rescue on Delray Beach
[SIZE=-1]The orange-and-maroon cephalopod, with its football sized-head and muscular tentacles, was difficult grip, Gorman said. People placed it in a cooler and ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]and more[/SIZE]

Not a squid, at all, but a spent female Tremoctopus violaceus, good year for these, apparently :smile: You can see "blanket" fragments washing up alongside the specimen in this video. The eggmass appears to also be misssing, judging from the footage, henceforth "spent", they apparently wash up regularly post spawning. This animal was at the end of her life cycle, well intended, but futile rescue attempt.

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