TONMO site updates - Nov 2015


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
I want to share information on a couple of updates that have been implemented over the past week or two. As you poke around you may find more differences (including a few issues), but I'd like to call out the following:

1) We have upgraded our "Gallery"; it is now under the "Media" tab. While further customization can be expected, the most significant improvement to note is the ability to upload video to TONMO. Just choose the "Cephalopod Videos" category when uploading (or do so in your own album which you create). Works great!

2) The TONMO homepage has changed. If you are not logged in, this is what you see:


Logged in members see the following:


Notice how only logged in members can see who is logged in, and only logged in members can access the Activity Feed.

Also note, TONMO Supporters see less ads on TONMO:


As I mentioned, there are a few issues I'm still investigating, including some pesky navigation behaviors which are not very intuitive -- but fixing them is not as straightforward as it might seem.

Please share any feedback, positive/negative/indifferent -- it is always much appreciated!
I have tweaked this a bit in order to improve site navigation and friendliness for search:
- I've removed /community/ from our URLs.
- the main site now resolves to the Forums listings for everyone. Clicking the logo links there, too.
- the "Home" tab goes to the Activity Feed as described above, and if you're not logged in, you'll be prompted to sign in or sign up.

I expect there will be more optimizations before the year is out!
...still tweaking... and not done... :rolleyes:

--Homepage now is general entry page with my twitter feed. I will start using Twitter for general site updates and site promotions.
--Activity Feed can be found on the Members tab
--logo link and home tab now properly go to the homepage with the Home tab highlighted.

I expect more changes to come as I work to optimize site navigation for both existing and new visitors. Thanks for your patience!

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