Search for the Giant Squid


Sepia elegans
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Feb 1, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Hello Everyone,

I am finally starting Richard Ellis' book on The Search for Giant Squid. It is such a shame that so many of the early strandings were cut up and used to feed.............. dogs? I guess dogs will eat anything? :roflmao:

Great book so far though.

Great book. It re-uses some parts of Monsters of the Sea, which I think is an even better book, albeit not specific to cephs. I still have Richard Ellis' contact info - he has visited in the past. If you have any specific questions for him let me know and I can try to get him to return.
Watching him speak now in the 1999 documentary Quest for the Giant Squid (includes Clyde Roper, Richard Ellis, Steve O'Shea, Roger Hanlon, Alan Clarke, and Mike deGruy). It's on SCIHD.

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