Octopus trap raiders stay away, so stone crabs plentiful -- if you don't think big -


Robotic Staff
Staff member
Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005
Interesting. I had the feeling that O. briareus would have been plentiful (and a problem) this year. Interesting answer from the fisherman siting that they did not travel south seeking warmer waters as I would not expect O. briareus to travel a great distance.

One problem that plagued the crabbing industry last season didn't present a problem this year. In 2011, crabbers were finding their stone crab traps raided by octopi, which love the crustaceans almost as much as humans do.

"There was no problem with the octopus (this season)," said crabber Justin Grimm, manager of Grimm's Seafood in Everglades City. "We never had the cold weather, and that's what brings that on. This late in the season, we probably won't see them at all."

With little in the way of harsh winter weather this winter, the octopus apparently stayed farther north, but that's a double-edged sword, Kirk said.

"We like bad weather," she said. "When it's stirred up on the bottom, that's when the crabs come out, and get into our traps."

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