New News page!


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
In the left margin navigation of our homepage, you'll find a new item:

Cephalopod News

This page basically pulls content from our Ceph News Feeds forum, and posts it to a dedicated page listed in order of thread start date (i.e., the news is posted on chronological order with newest stories at the top). This should be good for visitors who like to know what's going on with cephalopods around the world.

For those who don't know, our RSS "robot" (Octobot) pulls news stories and puts them into a moderation queue. I review them every morning and post the ones that are relavent. I weed out things like recipes :mad:, and other stories that aren't really related to cephalopods (for example, there's an anti-terrorism unit in India referred to as "Octopus"). Octobot usually pulls 2 or 3 relevant stories per day.

If you ever find a story that Octobot missed, you are more than welcome to post your own news story in this forum.

Enjoy! :read:

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