Fish wash up just days after dead squid found on Tofino, BC, beaches - The Canadian P


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005


Fish wash up just days after dead squid found on Tofino, BC, beaches
[SIZE=-1]The Canadian Press[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]TOFINO, BC â?? Just days after decomposing squid washed up on the beaches near Tofino, BC, hundreds of dead pilchard and herring came in with the high tide ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Over 300 squid wash up on Tofino beaches[SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Tofino fish kill could be a "neat natural phenomenon"[SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 13 news articles »[/SIZE]

Tony Pitcher, an expert in marine biology at the University of British Columbia, said he can't speculate on what exactly killed the fish or the squid, but said it would be unlikely the two incidents would be related.

"The things that would kill squid are not necessarily the kinds of things that would kill herring and pilchard," said Pitcher.

Pitcher said it's not particularly abnormal for groups of marine animals to die and wash ashore.

"Fish mortalities are not unusual on a coast where there's a steep shelf, so things can get at the wrong place in the wrong time," he said.

"Unless it's happening with some regularity."

I hope they are paying more attention to this than Pitcher suggests. Not unusual is not true or the locals would be aware of it :hmm:

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