About Mark "Monty" Montague


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Originally posted Dec 28, '10, 10:23am
A lot has been written about Mark "@monty" Montague since his passing. I am creating this blog post to centralize this input. Rather than reiterate all that has been expressed about this remarkable person and the grief we've experienced in his loss, I encourage you to visit the links within this post in order to get the full context of who he was and why he was so important to TONMO.

Mark passed away July 19, 2010 of unknown causes during a scuba diving outing. This came as a tremendous shock to the TONMO community; Monty was a major contributor to our forums. Here is our forum thread which provides the initial news and community reaction to this sudden loss.

I "met" Monty on TONMO in the mid-2000's, and only met him in person 3 times -- once at each TONMOCON event (the biennial TONMO convention). Online, he was a valued member of TONMO's volunteer staff, acting as a moderator of our forums, and generally helping out with site strategy and management, along with other TONMO staff members. For a time, he held the title of Associate Webmaster; this was a reflection of how critical I felt he was to our community. His enthusiasm, helpful nature, intelligence and patience were among several traits which made him an invaluable member of our staff and community.

On October 2nd, 2010 (on what would have been his 43rd birthday), friends and family gathered for a memorial service at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) and later at his home for a Kraken Rum toast. Not everyone on TONMO could make the trip to that event, but we joined the toast in this thread.

At Richard Ross' suggestion (@Thales), and seconded by many, at all future TONMOCON events we will present a Mark Montague Award ("the Montys") to the TONMO community member who best exemplifies the spirit of the community, which Monty himself fully embodied.

More information about Monty and his contributions to TONMO can be found at the bottom of our Meet the Staff page.

Monty's other imprints on the Web:
- http://www.gg.caltech.edu/~monty/
- Mark "Monty" Montague's Journal
- Mark Montague (montyy0) on Myspace
- http://www.wunderp.us/

Rest in peace, Monty!


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